Photoshop Tutorial Table of Contents

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Excellent! I'm very new to PS and pulling my hair out trying to google how to do all these things! These will be a lifesaver. Do you recommend an order to doing these tutorials or are they pretty much in the order you'd recommend?

The table of contents organizes them somewhat by skill level, so I'd go through the easy ones first, but within a level I don't think there's much order.

Thanks for the table of contents. I love your tutorials and this makes it so much easier to find the one I am looking for.

I was wondering how you girls actually made all these elements and papers! I guess now I can find out. Looking forward to checking all of these tutorials out.

Great tutorials, thanks so much
Hugs Sue

The Table of Contents tutorial was just what I needed. Thank you for these.


Thank you so much for listing these here, made a bookmark of this page smiley

Awesome. So glad there is a table of contents. Everything in one place. I just bookmarked this page. So much to learn and so little time.

Thank you so much. I can't Wait to work through all These.


Thanks for the Table of Contents - so much easier to find a tutorial!

Thank you for this superuseful list of contents smiley
Maybe that's not the right place, but I would like to see a tutorial for sequins smiley
Thank you smiley

Wow, these tutorials are awesome. I am just starting out in the designing aspect of digital scrapbooking and these tutes are great. Now don't laugh but when I made my first stripe paper, I actually made the basic stripes I wanted and the copy and pasted. It took forever! I won't be doing that anymore now that I learned the easy way to do it. Thanks so much for sharing these tips.

Thanks! smiley

Love these tuts. New to the Digi Scrapbooking, but very cool results with the right tools.

I am very grateful for these tutorials!

These are going to be so helpful! Thank you so much for providing all of these great tutorials!

Thank you very much- you have really taught me a lot!

Thanks, I have learned so much from all of the tutorials!

Thank you for this awesome set of tutorials! However, I really wanted to see the one that talks about making a layout a template, but the links is bad smiley

I always wanted to learn Photoshop an now I have the opportunity. I'm so excited, can't wait to dig in:)

The tutorial section here is so organized and makes it very easy to find help. Thank you so much!!!

Oh my…This is awesome! I would have given my eyeteeth to have found this list years ago, and all for free!!

Ok so I am wondering how I make my own elements... Before I finally gave up looking for what I had in my mind I was looking for more elements besides the rubber duck for the bath page I was working on. I went through all of the tutorials and didn't see one for making my own .pngs. Is there a tutorial for turning photos into elements??

I don't currently have a tutorial, but here's one from Tiffany Tillman.

Thank you!

thank you thank you

I currently do not know how to do anything digitially and so will be working my way through some of these tutorials hoping that it helps get me started.

I love that I can go to one place and see all the tutorials I will ever need! I have searched the internet for a long time trying to find a place like this where it literally has it all!! Clipart, backgrounds, templates AND tutorials!! Color me impressed smiley THANK YOU!


This is great! I love it that there are tutorials on how to make your own scrapbook elements!
