New Today: Birthday Bundle

I have a fun new redo for you today. June is my birthday month, so I often like to release a birthday bundle to celebrate. This is the first birthday bundle I ever made, and the neon colors have kept it a favorite of mine. So it was great to be able to dust it off and spruce it up a bit.

Birthday Bundle

And now some inspiration from the Creative Team:

By Bourico
▲ By Bourico
By Bina
▲ By Bina
By Beatrice
▲ By Beatrice
By Marlyn
▲ By Marlyn
By Rachel
▲ By Rachel
By Diana
▲ By Diana
By Sheri
▲ By Sherri


Recent Comments

Stephanie Elaine
Stephanie Elaine Mon, 06/03/2019 - 21:05

Ohh Happy Birthday! The redo looks great! So fun!

Sharon Co Car
Sharon Co Car Mon, 06/03/2019 - 09:20

Happy Birthday Marisa! Enjoy your month.

Shar Patry
Shar Patry Sun, 06/02/2019 - 10:15

Wishing you the best of the best--Happy Birthday Marisa

Charles Hutchins
Charles Hutchins Sun, 06/02/2019 - 07:56

Wishing you Birthday Blessings!

Vicki Mansell
Vicki Mansell Sun, 06/02/2019 - 00:40

Happy Birthday and here's to many more!

Marlyn Ramirez
Marlyn Ramirez Sat, 06/01/2019 - 16:06

happy birthday, Marisa!

Audrée Florence
Audrée Florence Sat, 06/01/2019 - 11:32

Happy Birthday!!

Monica Dickey
Monica Dickey Sat, 06/01/2019 - 11:25

Happy birthday month to you! :)

Beatrice Loren
Beatrice Loren Sat, 06/01/2019 - 04:29

Love this Marisa. Happy Birthday! We have lots of family birthdays in June too.

Sonia Roman
Sonia Roman Sat, 06/01/2019 - 03:15

Happy Birthday, Marisa! My mum was also worn on June! Congrats!