Capsule Wardrobe: Spring/Summer

I thought I'd do a little update on my capsule wardrobe experience. (For a little background info see here and here. For my winter capsule see here.) I'm definitely a convert to having a small and simple closet, filled only with clothes I actually wear. And now that I have a bit better idea of what I'm doing, getting things ready for the spring and summer was pretty easy.

I already had in my closet several basics that I wear in all seasons. I will admit to having a small obsession with long-sleeve shirts with roll-up sleeves (the ones that have a little strap to hold up the sleeve when rolled). I own four, two in chambray. I wear these in the winter under sweaters and in the summer as a sweater. I love that the sleeves roll-up so I can wear them for a little sun protection, but not be too hot.

And since I had these, plus a few more basics in my closet already, it was a lot easier to consider what few pieces I wanted to add this season. Over the months since I started my new wardrobe I have been curating a board on Pinterest. Unlike previously when I just pinned anything that caught my fancy, I kept this board limited to outfits I could already make with my clothes, or outfits that were really close to what I owned. When it was time to do a little shopping all I did was take a look at the board and it gave me a shopping list: A striped t-shirt, a floral t-shirt, some drapey cardigans, including kimono style. A pair (or two) of shorts. Then I went to the store and bought those items. Easy and simple.


I know capsule wardrobes and similar ideas are really popular right now. Anyone else experimenting with closet ideas?

Recent Comments

retha fourie
retha fourie Fri, 07/03/2015 - 23:24

Wow how organised you are Marisa!

Callie Douglass
Callie Douglass Sat, 06/27/2015 - 08:11

I love the idea of this! I definitely need to edit my closet...

Julie Ostrander
Julie Ostrander Fri, 06/26/2015 - 11:46

This would take me forever! I am not this organized. I would love to do this but I know myself and I would get started only to get frustrated half way through. :(

Anita Bennett
Anita Bennett Thu, 06/25/2015 - 20:32

I'm so glad you've shared this! This concept has come at me from several directions recently, and I'm deciding that this is something I need to do! Key will be the finding of items that fit and are comfortable; but I think it will be worth the effort!!

Tina Shaw
Tina Shaw Thu, 06/25/2015 - 07:15

I really do like this concept...I bet I could never find clothes that would work for me, though! And one pair of jeans? ;)

Sandrine mz
Sandrine mz Thu, 06/25/2015 - 01:36

Really inspiring. My wardrobe is badly in need of decluttering but I am guilty of thinking that I will wear some clothes again in the future (when I lose enough weight, if I ever go back to work in an office....)...

Melanie Nutile
Melanie Nutile Wed, 06/24/2015 - 09:41

You are WAY more organized then I could ever even think of being! I could never do this because I can never think of anything I could put away, I always think I will need everything, LOL.